What is Meniere’s Disease? I think is difficult to understand unless you have it. I was told that I have this “invisible illness” in April 2020. So, I’m only a few months into trying to get a grasp on it.
Take all the SSNHL pieces and basically add a lot of vertigo spells, balance issues, nausea, and fatigue. Some attacks last only 20 minutes, some several hours. The room starts spinning out of nowhere, I feel sea sick, and all I can do is try to close my eyes and let it pass. I feel out of control and helpless.
The Mayo Clinic gives a nice synopsis. Here is the (sorry) depressing bottom line: “No cure exists for Meniere’s disease.”

I have empathized for other sufferers of chronic pain, but that’s probably the wrong word now – because I never truly knew how debilitating it can be. For Meniere’s, a vestibular disorder, the balance issue has thrown me off – no pun intended! I bought a Peloton in February and I can’t spin anymore, but thank goodness for the yoga lessons – even though I’m not super coordinated to begin with!
I’m trying to navigate working the day job while feeling zero focus, wanting to be meeting-free as I can’t hear out of my right ear at all, and the constant ringing in my ear is distracting. I’ve been complaining too much to my husband, shying away from get togethers, and curling up in a ball every chance I get. Clearly I’m not living my best life. But, that’s about to change.

This space is going to be my bright spot and get me back to doing what I love: Shopping, sharing, and writing. I want to raise awareness for disabilities such as Meniere’s and find community in this somehow. I want to offset the extreme dizziness with something positive. If even one person reads this and shares their “but you don’t look sick” story with me, I’ll be impacted for the better.
So, please share with me – I look forward to hearing your story and I’m always here if you need to vent about a bad health day!
What’s the next step for me?
I am trying to be brave.